quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2015

Devemos Reduzir o Consumo de Sal?

O Danilo Balu, do blog Recorrido e colunista do Webrun, escreveu recentemente um post sobre o sal: Você tem medo de Sal? Pois acho que não deveria...

E hoje em 2 tweets ele mencionou um artigo bem recente sobre o tema

A menção a @jjdinicol é por conta deste tweet:

Os resultados e conclusões do artigo "Dietary Sodium Reduction Does Not Affect Circulating Glucose Concentrations in Fasting Children or Adults: Findings from a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" publicado no The Journal of Nutrition (fator de impacto 4.2 em 2013, o 11o. melhor na categoria Nutrition & Dietetics, entre 79 - portanto entre os 15% melhores da área), foram as seguintes:

Results: Participants were 10–79 y old, either primarily healthy or with hypertension. In meta-analyses of 20 randomized, crossover trials (n = 504 participants) and 9 nonrandomized crossover trials (n = 337), circulating glucose concentrations of fasting participants were not affected by reduction in sodium intake. In contrast, in meta-analyses of 19 of the 20 randomized, crossover trials (n = 494), fasting insulin concentrations were 9.53 pmol/L higher (95% CI: 5.04, 14.02 pmol/L higher) with sodium reduction. In 9 nonrandomized trials (n = 337), fasting insulin did not differ with reduced sodium intake. Results differed little when the analyses were restricted to studies with a low risk of bias and duration of ≥7 d. 

Conclusions: This meta-analysis revealed no evidence that, in trials with a short intervention and large reductions in sodium, circulating glucose concentrations differed between groups. Recommendations for future studies include extending intervention durations, ensuring comparability of groups at baseline through randomization, and assessing sodium intakes relevant to population sodium reduction. In addition, analyses on other metabolic variables were limited because of the number of trials reporting these outcomes and lack of consistency across measures, suggesting a need for comparable measures of glucose tolerance across studies. 

O trecho que o James DiNicolantonio e o Danilo Balu destacaram foi este:

"fasting insulin concentrations were 9.53 pmol/L higher (95% CI: 5.04, 14.02 pmol/L higher) with sodium reduction."

"as concentrações de insulina em jejum foram 9,53 pmol / L maiores (IC 95%: 5,04, 14,02 pmol/L superior) com a redução de sódio."

Mas os próprios autores nas conclusões não quiseram se comprometer muito, até porque o objetvio era "avaliar os efeitos da redução de sódio na tolerância à glicose" e não relacionar com insulina.

Dr. Souto também tem um post sobre o Sal.

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