segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Sobre o ensino de Data Structures and Algorithms em Princeton

Li o seguinte texto:

Computer science education done right: A rookie’s view from the front lines at Princeton

Alguns destaques:

lecturing turns out to be a rather small, albeit highly visible part of the elaborate instructional system for these classes that’s been put in place and refined over many years. It involves nine different educational modes that students interact with and a six different types of instructional staff(!), each with a different set of roles. 

Lectures. In addition to the traditional goal of conveying information, we try to use the lectures to get the students to care about the course. There’s something irreplaceable about getting 300 people in a room excited about what they’re learning, letting them feel each other’s energy and generating social proof. This is very hard to achieve, but it’s worth a shot, and we’ve succeeded at times. For example, Josh said something so inspiring in his lecture this week that the students broke out into spontaneous applause.

Precepts. Decades of teaching research has established that passive transmission of information is just about the least effective learning method, and while we try to make the lectures as interactive as possible, there’s a limit. So precept is where a lot of learning happens.

Online Q&A. There’s some member of the teaching staff (usually not me) “on call” at all times to answer student questions online on Piazza; the mean response time is a ridiculously impressive 10–15 minutes.

E, finalmente, a tabela com todos os envolvidos e suas funções:

Impossível conseguir tudo isto numa Universidade Federal brasileira.

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